I am a Principal Research Engineer at the Bioinformatics Unit, Core Facility of Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences in Linkoping University, Sweden. I received a PhD (in Technology) in Bioinformatics from Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology in 2017.

I did my post-doctoral research on Epigentics and Human diseases. I have more than 10+ years work experience focussing on bioinformatics pipeline development and biological data analysis. Research experience in development and implementation of computational tools for multi‐omics data analysis, high‐throughput image analysis.

I write bioinformatics pipelines to analyse arrays or sequencing (short and long‐reads) data (clinical and research samples) from human, bacteria and viruses.

  • Postdoc – DNA methylation; Whole Genome Methylation; Data visualization; Supervised Machine Learning,
  • Ph.D.In-silico studies of MicroRNA Regulations in higher eukaryotes from the perspective of Molecular Evolution
  • Works with Ubuntu/CentOS/RedHat/Fedora/Mint, MacOS, Windows (limited), HPCs, and amazon/google cloud
  • Open-source Community Developer; System Administration and Management.
  • Front-end and Back-end Developer; Works with Workflow Manager, Virtual Containers, Reproducible reports, and Version Controls.
  • takes part in teaching and training users in Bioinformatics.