Presentations & Talks
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Das, J. (2024, November). methylR 2.0: an enhanced user-friendly solution for DNA methylation array analysis Oral presentation at the Swedish Bioinformatics Workshop (SBW).
Das, J. (2024, September). Core Facility-20 years: Presentation of the Bioinformatics Unit
Das, J. (2024, March). Whole-Genome DNA Methylation data analysis pipeline. Oral presentation at the Clinical Genomics Linköping Webinar Series.
Das, J. (2024, February). Twist NGS DNA Methylation data analysis pipeline. Oral presentation at the Clinical Genomics Linköping Workshop.
Das, J.* (2023, October). methylR: a graphical interface for comprehensive DNA methylation array data analysis. Poster presented at the Scilifelab day, Linköping.
Das, J.* (2023, May). methylR: a graphical interface for comprehensive DNA methylation array data analysis. EMBL-SciLifeLab Data Science workshop, Uppsala, Sweden, May 15-16. Selected for poster presentation.
Das, J.* (2023, May). methylR: a graphical interface for comprehensive DNA methylation array data analysis. Workshop oral presentation organized by Clinical Genomics Linköping.
Das, J.* (2023, September). GMS-Artic: A containerized NextFlow pipeline for detecting Pangolin Typing by analysing SARS-CoV-2 whole genome from short and long sequence reads. Poster presentation at JIM Symposium Precision medicine in Europe 2022.
Das, J. (2022, October). gms-artic: features and applications. oral presentation talk at the GMS-Micro workshop in Karolinska Institute, Sweden.
Das, J. (2021, October) Visualization, front-end solution. lightening-fast oral presentation of group discussion in Clinical Genomics Platform retreat at Sigtuna, Sweden.
Das, J. (2021, September). gms-artic: the pipeline. Workshop presentation organized by Genomic Medicine Sweden.
Das, J. (2021, June). How to run a pipeline on NGP server: with a demonstration of gms-artic. Workshop oral presentation organized by Genomic Medicine Sweden.
Das, J.* (2019, October). Identification of DNA methylation patterns predisposing for an efficient response to BCG vaccination in healthy BCG-naïve subjects. Poster presentation at 4th International Conference on Innate Immune Memory organized by Roudbound University, the Netherlands.
Das, J.* (2019, May). Altered methylation of microRNA (miRNA) in the psoriatic epidermis Poster presentation in Society for Investigative Dermatology (SID), Chicago, USA.
Das, J. (2019, April). Epigenetic patterns predicting the response to tuberculosis vaccination. One-minute presentation to market your research organized by Mucosal Infection and Inflammation Center (MIIC), Linköping University. Best Presenter Award.
Das, J. (2018, November). Advanced image analysis with MATLAB. Oral presentation organized by NDPIA and Linköping University.
Das, J.* (2018, October). Identification of DNA methylation patterns predisposing for a trained immunity response to BCG vaccination in healthy BCG-naïve subjects. Poster presentation on TB research seminar organized by Centre for Tuberculosis Research, Karolinska Institute.
Das, J.* (2017, August). High-content screening of live-cell imaging and analysis of Mycobacterium marinum-infected Dictyostellim discoideum. Poster presentation on International TB conference in Stockholm.